Moving to another Blog -!!!
Just a reminder that I'm now only posting new posts on my blog: Clear Blue Dei. Please come visit me there!
~Susan Mellott
Join me on my journey to all things 2.0
Just a reminder that I'm now only posting new posts on my blog: Clear Blue Dei. Please come visit me there!
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
8:22 PM
Labels: blog
Hi! During the course of testing many different blog engines, I ended up with 3 different ones that all had the same posts. Now I am trying to consolidate so I am moving to new blog at I just finished a 3-part series on which blog engine I liked the best. You can see the third and final post at my Clear Bluedei blog.
The results were that I liked Google Blogger best for ease of use, functionality and for when you don't have your own web host that you can install your blog on. And if you have your own web host and are technically inclined and enjoy playing around with ftp and html and unix and all, I like using your own self-hosted blog for the greatest functionality and control.
And I have set up my own blog on my domain so I plan to consolidate my blogs into one at some point and it will be that one. I also have one at that I actually would rather have closed down so that I would have had only my own wordpress blog and a google blogger blog, but I have the most people by far who read my blog so I am keeping it running in tandem with my own for the moment.
But this blog's hits have slowly dwindled to the point that I feel comfortable putting it on hold and redirecting everyone to one of my other blogs. I wish I could make my primary but everyone keeps going to and reading and quoting my so I'll keep it going also.
So please go to my blog for my new posts. I will keep this blog with all the posts thus far, but from now on will be posting only on my other 2 blogs (and hopefully just 1 at some point).
Thank you for visiting and please come check out my All Things Web 2.0 blog at
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
4:09 PM
I am getting ready to leave for Las Vegas on Monday and I realized that the hotel where we are staying does not have free wireless access. In fact, it is rather expensive, especially since I am used to being able to go almost anywhere and get free wireless access. Fort Wayne is an amazingly progressive town and has had many free wireless access points for a very long time, as a matter of fact, it was nationally recognized as one of America's most "wired and inspired" cities (according to Mayor Graham Richards) and has many, many wi-fi hot-spots. Some of the more interesting hotspot areas include:
So I just assumed that I would have no problem finding a free wireless hotspot in Las Vegas (specifically, the strip). Buzzzz. Wrong. As near as I can tell, there are maybe 5 free hotspots on the strip and the strip is a couple miles long. The closest to where we will be staying is the Apple Store in the Fashion Show Mall which is across the street and down a "Las Vegas Block" from us. If you've been to Las Vegas, you know what a Las Vegas block is. It is about a half a mile.
There is also one at the Las Vegas Hilton (and in the Las Vegas Hilton Monorail station - why couldn't they have put it in some other monorail station?). Again, if you know Las Vegas, you know that *nothing* is close to the Las Vegas Hilton. So I could pay $5 each way to ride the monorail there, but that would be $20 for the two of us, just to get wireless access (although I do enjoy Star Trek - The Experience). There is supposed to be one at the Planet Hollywood/Aladdin hotel, which is a little farther than the Fashion Show Mall, but in the other direction. And someone thinks there is one by the hallway between Luxor and Excalibur which is at the far end of the strip. Oh yes, there should be one at the Wynn too which the same distance as the Fashion Show Mall, but on our side of the road. The Wynn is new since I was last at Vegas and I forget about it. But that really is about it! And in a town that is wall to wall hotels, casinos, restaurants and bars, I find that unbelievable.
And I really don't want to be lugging my laptop all over creation in 100+ temps, just to get to the internet. I don't want to, but I will. I can't imagine going for 4 days without logging in.
But I plan to make it as little as possible, which means I won't be posting much, if any, in the next week. And I have things I want to post! And I wanted to post about our trip.
I love Las Vegas, but it needs to get its 2.0 on.
~Susan Mellott
So as you know from my first post on this "Google Blogger vs. WordPress, Blog Wars Part 1: The Test", I am reviewing and evaluating several different blog engines, with an emphasis on Google Blogger and WordPress (.com and .org). You can see my previous post to see the different blogs in action. And I'm sure this is going to be a large post, just reviewing the Blogger and WordPress blogs, so I will have a "Google Blogger vs. WordPress, Blog Wars: The Other Options" post following this one where I'll talk about the other blogs I looked at. But for all intents and purposes, it came down to Blogger and WordPress (2 ways).
I wanted to decide which type of blog would work best for my needs and which one I would recommend to others. It turned out to not be quite that simple. Each of the 3 main blog engines (Blogger, hosted Wordpress and self-hosted Wordpress) had some serious advantages and some serious drawbacks. So as it turns out, rather than recommending one above all others, I will give an overview of each, what is good and bad about them and why and for whom I would recommend each particular one.
And to make a long story short, I recommend Blogger for people who want someone else to host their blog, don't want to pay for a web hosting service and/or who want a quick and easy blog that takes hardly any maintenance or technical know-how.
For people who want the all-around best solution, who have their own web host and like to get 'techie' (and know how to do installs, use unix and ftp, etc), it's definitely WordPress from This is the most flexible, you have the most control over it and your data and it will do almost anything you want if you find the right plug-ins or code. But you have to have the know-how and desire to use it and it is only as good as you make it. And you have to have somewhere to install it like a web hosting service.
Google Blogger: I personally give Google Blogger the edge over hosted WordPress for anyone who doesn't have their own web host and/or wants an easy and quick blog. I think it is good for:
Google Blogger has the most features, the most choices and the ability to add html code easily including that using javascript. That means that when you find something you like (like say Odiogo, which is the text-to-speech widget you see at the top of my posts on my google and personally hosted wordpress blog), you can add it to your blog posts very easily. You cannot add Odiogo to a hosted blog because it doesn't allow javascript. I've run into several widgets that I wanted to add to my blogs, but could not easily do it in You can easily redirect it to your own domain name so when they type either your original blog name or your domain name, both will go to your blogger blog. It is an easy, attractive and flexible blog engine. It doesn't have as nice a built-in statistics page as wordpress, but you can use Google Analytics (which is nice, but isn't real time) or any other stats tools like ActiveMeter or Sitemeter or ShinyStat (or I'm sure there are others) to keep track of it.
The one thing that seems to keep a lot of people from recommending Google Blogger is that it does not allow you to back up your posts. Therefore, if anything happened to Blogger, you could lose your data. Also, you can't move the data to another google blog if you wanted to. And looking at the hacks to backup your data, there really isn't a good way to do it. Except...
What you can do is to create a blog and import your blogger data into your wordpress blog. It is very easy in to import posts and comments from other blog engines, basically just point and click. Then you can export the data from your wordpress blog into a file of your own. You can't reload that file back into Google Blogger, but you have all your data and can recreate it in wordpress easily. Which is better than losing it all. And if you use a redirect to your own domain name in Blogger, if something happened, you could change the redirect to point to your Wordpress blog (for $10/credits per year, I believe). It's a work-around, but I tried it and it works just fine.
There is some concern about losing your rank if you move (which I don't totally understand about rank and all yet) but here is a post that explains things you can do to help with that, called "Moving from Blogger to Wordpress without Losing Traffic and Page Rank" (Actually, when I qit blogging on all my blogs and switch to one (, I may have to figure out what all this means.) Also, as I understand, Blogger (as would be expected) integrates very well with Google Adsense, which I gather is a way to make money from your website, with advertising, I guess.
Also, if you start with Blogger, you can choose later to go to WordPress. You can't go the other way because Blogger doesn't have an import or export function. For the life of me, I don't know why.
WordPress on This is the most middle-of-the-road bet. It doesn't really do anything as well as any of the others (except for import/export) but it doesn't have anything really wrong with it either. Many people would recommend it over Blogger. But it seems that it is mostly because Blogger doesn't provide a way to back it up and my work-around takes care of that, in my opinion. One thing that I really like about is that they provide an easy to use stats page that tells you how many page views you've had each day, which pages were viewed, how people got to your site and what they clicked while there. The one thing it doesn't tell you is who actually viewed your site. You have to use another stats package like sitemeter or ActiveStats to see that. And Google Analytics will not give you as much information using as it would if you were using Blogger because it requires some code to be added that you cannot add to blogs.
This appeals to all the people that Blogger and would be a better choice if:
As I said before, has some drawbacks. It is not as flexible as Blogger. There are things you want to add that you can't (but you can in Blogger). You can't use javascript and you cannot have any commercial usage or you run the risk of being shut down. You also have to pay to redirect your blog to your own domain name (this is something you very well may want to do at some point) and for many other things too, like more upload storage space or the ability to customize your css or unlimited users.
Self-hosted Wordpress from This is, in my opinion, the very best option for:
Self-host Wordpress offers the most options and is the most flexible of any of the choices. Really, it is about the only option I've found for being able to have total control of your own blog, outside a CMS (content management system) like Drupal, which is extremely more powerful than just a blog engine and requires a lot more knowledge and programming know-how.
Some drawbacks of it are that you have to have a host to install it on (either your own, or from a web service that costs about $10/month) and you have to install and maintain and customize it yourself so you have to have some experience with these things and you have to want to do it or it will just be a hassle and frustrating. And your blog will only be as good and functional as you make it. It comes as basically vanilla and you have to add everything to it.
You also have to be sure your host is stable and has good backups in case something happens. The other blog engines are as stable and well-backed up as and can make them so it doesn't vary so much. But your own host system can be very good or very bad, depending on who you are going with.
Also, I tried exporting from my blog to import into my blog (as if I had a problem with my web host and had to move) and it didn't move my extra pages (like about me and books I am reading). Nor of course, any of my plug-ins or customization. So it is important to save your plug-ins and files. Since they are just files on a server, you can back-up any or all of it any time you want.
Here is an article that talks about the differences between Google Blogger and self-hosted Wordpress from that has some good information. It is part one, but for the life of me, I can't find part two. It still has good info.
So to me, it comes down to Google Blogger for flexibility and ease of use vs. self-hosted wordpress for control and customization. And that is a choice that depends on what you are looking for and how much you want to do.
I will post my reviews of the other, less well-known blog engines in my next post on this subject.
-Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
8:41 AM
Labels: blogger, blogs, google, review, technology, wordpress
I have recently gotten into blogging and in the process, wanted to determine which blog engine I felt was best. So I created a working blog in the following engines:
You can go take a look at each of these to see how they look.
I have been actively customizing, testing and using the Google blogger blog: Alongthepathto20 and the blog: allthingsweb20 and the blog:
These 3 were my primary test cases and I have been copying any post I write to each of them. I have also been trying out their different features and seeing what they can and can't do. So they are all highly customized.
The others I created for testing some particular feature (like redirecting a google blog to a domain name or testing the import feature of or for trying some of the other, less popular blogs just to compare and see if they had something worth looking at. The vox and livejournal blogs I did very little customizing to. I mostly just set a template and posted a post and poked around.
I also found this one called InstantSpot after my testing. I know nothing about it but may set up a blog on it to test it. Then I'll update this list with my Instant Spot blog.
I did not test ExpressionEngine, (someone commented they use this but I didn't look at it, might be a Content Management System) TextPattern,(actually Content Management System) Joomla, (also Content Management System) Windows Live Spaces, or B2Evolution. Nor did I test Drupal, which is considerably more than a blog and worth a whole evaluation of its own (with the other similar tools, like Joomla) Those are actually Content Management Systems so are outside the scope of this test.
So now you have what I used for my testing. Go look at each of these to get a feel for what each is basically like. And stay tuned for "Google Blogger vs. WordPress, Blog Wars: Part 2 - The Results"
~Susan Mellott
Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
Is this cool or what? It's a bit of a waste of time, but a lot of fun. It will be better when they add more movies and things. I can see some possibilities, but for now it is just a fun thing to try.
Also, this link should take you to our video on JibJab. BTW, you can create a post/link directly from JibJab to Blogger, MySpace, Facebook, Typepad and several other Web 2.0 tools. And it generates html to add it elsewhere.
Thanks to Libraryman, from whom I shamelessly stole, even down to starring in the same movie. What can I say, it was the best one :)
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
4:57 PM
Well I'm sure you all are getting as sick of the repeated speculations as to what really happened with Skype. So am I.
In many ways, it is unfortunate that so much has been written about the Skype outage, to the point that now that people are looking at it from a broader perspective, such as why did their communication fail, or how companies need to review their backup plans for situations such as these, either no one wants to read about it or it gets buried in the overwhelming amount of Skype related posts.
But the bigger picture is not about what happened to Skype as much as it is about how Skype tried outdated, 1.0 communcation techniques that failed miserably in the current 2.0 environment. Even in their 'clarification' post today on the situation, seems to sort of recognize they have a communications problem, but clearly doesn't recognize why.
And forget this is about Skype. Think of it as about any company, in a situation that affects their users and how they communicate and handle the situation.
I wish I had written this post, but it says everything I would want to and so rather than repeat it, just go read P.R. 2.0's post called "Crisis Communication 2.0 - The Skype is Falling". Or if you prefer, here is the post on a white background (I don't care as much for black background with white lettering if I'm trying to read something).
And I hope this doesn't get buried in the continuing rehash of the Skype problem
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
11:16 AM
We use Skype and we purchased the SkypeOut plan for unlimited calling in the U.S. and Canada and we buy Skype minutes to call New Zealand since my husband's family lives there. We also use it to talk to his brother in Italy and we use the video sometimes too, which is really nice.
I like Skype a lot and have been a strong supporter of Skype. And it has been very reliable. But I've always said that you can tell more about a company when it has problems and you can see how they handle them, than when everything runs smoothly. Every company has problems and there have been many times that what I thought was a good company, turned out to be bad in a crisis.
I took a cruise on Royal Olympic cruise lines to Greece and Turkey and I really liked their itinerary, their food and the ship (not my cabin, but that is another story). But I had problems with my luggage when I arrived and they were unresponsive and when we were to disembark, they had put me on a bus that gave me almost no time to check in at the airport and they refused to allow me to get on an earlier bus. Naturally, I ended up missing my plane and standing in the middle of the Athens airport crying (the trip was amazing, but was so exhausting that my reserves were absolutely shot). And they had just dropped me off at the airport and split. After much problems, I eventually got home.
But that soured me so much on Royal Olympic that I would have nothing to do with them, even though they had interesting cruises and had (after much hassle) offered me $500 towards another cruise. They have since gone out of business and I am not surprised.
Anyway, I think Skype dropped the ball on this and I think their post that they finally issued today on why they had the problems, just doesn't make any sense to me. And not just to me. Just read all the comments on their post - it is up to 320 comments so far. Mauricio Freitas speaks on this in his post Skype Outage caused by Windows Update? Yeah, Right. As he points out: the Windows Updates run at 3am local time. So everyone's PC does not reboot all at once, they would reboot as their own particular local time hits 3am. And by the time the update would take effect in New Zealand where he is, the outage would have already been in affect for a ridiculously long time. Also,Windows Update is delivered every second Tuesday of the month, and has been for the last three years so what makes it cause a problem this time?
The Microsoft Security Response Center blog posted a response to Skype who asserted it was caused by all the PCs rebooting from the Tuesday Windows update and basically said that they were in contact with Skype and there was nothing unusual with this particular Windows update and there was nothing in the update that would have caused any problems. They said "Fortunately, Skype has identified the cause. As Villu Arak notes, "a previously unseen software bug within the network resource allocation algorithm" was the cause, and they have corrected it." That doesn't say anything bad about Skype, but essentially says Skype found a problem in their software and fixed it.
But what does Villu's statement mean? What specifically was the problem and what caused it to occur then and why do they feel it won't happen again? I would not necessarily be able to understand a full explanation, but the beauty of the internet is that there are people who would and who would determine if what they said made sense and would work to fix the problem. But who can say one way or the other when all they say is that it was "a previously unseen software bug within the network resource allocation algorithm". And there is a real concern about it being a P2P network model.
And as MyITForum says in their post on this, "Skype's main development unit is in Estonia. Estonia's infrastructure was targeted by massive denial-of-service attacks earlier this year. This tied together with the fact that a new Denial-of-Service exploit against Skype server software was posted to just hours ago has created lots rumors about what's really going on."
Infoworld had a very good article called "Skype Users don't Buy Outage Explanation. CSO, the resource for Security Executives asked some specific questions of ennifer Caukin, a Skype spokeswoman. The answers were weak, at best and she said there was no one in the U.S. who could answers the questions today (maybe tomorrow...?). The Skype Journal writes about this and has several thoughts on what Skype needs to do to address this correctly with its users. And Computerworld had a good article asking "Does Skype's Windows update story fly?" (Thanks to Greg of Voip Spider for turning me on to this article.)
I like what Mike McGrath said on his comment to Skype Journal's post: "
The great Outage of 2007 has some important lessons. The most surprising to me is that there are many folks out there that believe you have no right to complain about something that's free. Does that mean I have no right to complain about polluted air?
Still, I like Skype and will continue to use it. I hope Skype takes this opportunity to understand the blogoshere's reaction, good, bad or ugly and make some adjustments that will be good for everyone."
Skype should had sent emails to every user of Skype (especially the paying customers) and continued to update with real information regularly. Now they need to answer the questions still being posed and answer them thoroughly. I expect nothing less of them, or of any company.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
7:29 PM
Labels: outages, skype, technology, voip, windows update
In my post of August 8, I wrote about the very cool Library Genius 2.0 t-shirts that Kay Gregg and Sean Robinson of the Allen County Public Library created for the Learning 2.0 program for the library staff that the ACPL is going to kick off on Sept 19 when Stephen Abrams, VP of Innovation at SirsiDynix comes to speak on Library 2.0 at the ACPL. By the way, this talk will be open to the public. Here is a picture of Kay modeling the t-shirt.
Well, everyone really liked the t-shirts and the icons and had been asking them where they could get one for themselves or for their own library's learning programs. So Sean and Kay set up a store under Printfection/library2_0 where you can buy these shirts and some other styles like long-sleeve t-shirts and baseball shirts and others and also tote bags and aprons and mouse pads. They come in a ton of colors and there is a good discount for bulk purchases. They are cheapest in white, a little more in light colors and a little more than that in dark colors. You can see all the wholesale pricing options by picking style and color and then clicking on the pricing tab.
Helene Blowers, Public Services Technology Director for the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC) and creator of the Learning 2.0 concept, wrote about these shirts on her blog, ACPL sent her a shirt in appreciation of her work on Learning 2.0. Here is a picture she took of the shirt and buttons.
Sean and Kay are working on creating buttons for this also and they will put them in their store on cafepress (along with some other things like messenger bags and coffee mugs) since Printfection does not have buttons as an option. They already have the bags and coffee mugs there, but need to upload the individual icons to create the buttons. If you are interested in the buttons, check back on the cafepress store because they are working on getting them created right now.
Cafepress has a lot of options of different types of items, but Printfection is less expensive and offers wholesale prices also. I'd go to Printfection unless there was a particular thing you wanted, like the messenger bag (which I really want!). Or the buttons, since that is the only place to get them. It does appear they have a way to offer the buttons in batches, like of 10, or 100.
Also, other libraries, such as the Harris County Public Library are using the icons that Kay created for their own Learning 2.0 programs which is what Sean had hoped people would do. He wanted to be able to contribute to the Learning 2.0 program. You can read about this and their other ideas, initiatives and Learning 2.0 projects in the ACPL Innovation Through Technology blog. Many people in many libraries have worked on Learning 2.0 and Library 2.0 and have shared with each other to create great things.
Cooperation, collaboration and sharing. That's what its all about!
~Susan Mellott lib
Posted by
Susan Casserley
11:40 AM
Labels: acpl, cafepress, learning 2.0, library 2.0, printfection, shop, shopping
I just have to say that I really, really, really want one of these cars! You can see them at the Smart Car website. They cost under $12,000 for the basic model, up to under $17,000 for the Smart fortwo Passion Cabrio which is a tricked-out convertible model. I like the middle of the road model, the smart fortwo passion, for under $14,000.
I've seen this car overseas and admired it and now it is coming to the U.S. The vehicle is designed to achieve 40 plus mpg under normal driving conditions and current standards. The top speed is 90 mph, which is plenty for me. Here is a link to the FAQ page on the smart car.
You can reserve a smart car for $99 which is applicable to your purchase of a smart car and is refundable any time.
We bought a new Scion XB a couple years ago, which I also love (its name is Squeezle :). We are lucky we got one when we did because they discontinued the original XB and made a new one that is not nearly as cool. And we have a big Dodge Ram truck since we live in the country and get firewood and all.
So we just don't need another car and certainly can't going buying everything we want. But I have some serious hots for this car!
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
9:48 PM
Labels: automobiles, car, cars, smart car
Skype appears to be starting to become available. I have been able to access it consistently for several hours. But it is hard to find out how many people are still without Skype and if you cannot get Skype yet, please send me a comment so we can keep track of what the real picture is.
Skype has not been forthcoming at all with what the problem is and there is much speculation that it was caused either by the planned maintenance that took place right before Skype went down, or by a hacker attack or both, through an opening while performing the system maintenance. Here is a good article by PCWorld on why people feel it could have been an attack and it says:
"eBay attributes the outage to a problem in a Skype networking algorithm, but code has been posted to a Russian security discussion forum that could supposedly be used to knock the service offline in a DOS (denial of service) attack.
The code, which was published anonymously, appears to be capable of forcing Skype’s servers to freeze up, said the discussion forum site’s editor, Valery Marchuk, in a posting to the Full Disclosure security discussion list. “Reportedly, it must have caused Skype massive disconnections,” he wrote."
Even though Skype/ebay denies either of these and is blaming it on a "software problem" (could they be any more vague?), they are both not unreasonable scenarios. Skype is only going to quell any rumors if it gives a good and specific reason as to what happened. They can, and obviously would, say whatever they felt was the safest and less likely to frighten customers away. And that is not unusual, that is what any company would do.
Look at 365 Main when the big outage hit San Francisco a couple weeks ago. Rather than saying they didn't have proper power backup systems (UPS), a company representative said "Someone came in sh*tfaced drunk, got angry, went berserk, and f**ked up a lot of stuff. There's an outage on 40 or so racks at minimum." ValleyWag had a good article on this with lots of interesting links.
While Skype is not updating us on the situation, you can go to the original post on the Skype blog about Skype login problems and read the comments to see what is going on with people in different areas. And here is the latest update at midnight GMT August 18 on the official Skype site. Basically, it says "We are pleased to announce that the situation continues to improve. The sign-on problems have been resolved. Skype presence and chat may still take a few more hours to be fully operational." I wonder if all the sign-on problems are now resolved. There are about 4 million users online at this moment. That is less than usual, but some may not have tried to get back on so it is hard to tell.
Skype has been really reliable and this is a rare occuraence, but I think that Skype did a very poor job of keeping people updated. Many people didn't even know there was a general Skype problem and spent a lot of time trying to figure out why their Skype was not working.
Skype has everyone's email address that uses Skype and they could have easily sent out emails to everyone stating the situation and giving regular updates (and specifics on what they are finding wrong and what they are doing to correct it).
People say "Skype is free so who are you to complain?". Well, many, many people actually pay for Skype, believe it or not, and use it for their businesses, their help desks, their contacts and their phone system. I am a paying customer of Skype. At the very least, they owe it to the people who pay for their service to provide a better communication than just a couple posts on their heartbeat website saying nothing more than Skype is having problems and they are working on it.
According to GigaOm's post on Skype Groans and SIPhone Gains: "The company saw a 400% increase in traffic this morning, with 4 times increase in sales, calls and downloads of its Gizmo Project software. “It is interesting to see that voice callers are transitory,” Michael Robertson, founder, SIPphone wrote in an email."
Yes, voice callers ARE transitory. And people who change to Gizmo Project, or use Jajah or any of the other ways to make calls, very well may not go back. And while you can say that these may not be the paying customers, people who use Skype for free today, are the paying customers of tomorrow. I used it for free until I decided it was good and I wanted to expand what I could do. And I recommend it to other people who do business in other countries.
I am going to wait and see how this plays out before I recommend Skype again. I have always said that you can tell more about a company by the way they handle problems, than by how well they do when there are no problems. Every company has occasional problems, its how they are handled when they happen that makes the difference.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
8:56 PM
Labels: down, jajah, outages, phone, skype, technology, voip
Well I got up this morning and despite my hopes that Skype would be up, especially since it was partly up last night, no such luck. I did see it briefly flicker on this morning (for about 15 seconds), but essentially it is completely unavailable for me.
Interestingly enough, in my Skype Yahoo News feed, there is a big headline from Infoword that says Outage of Skype's VoIP Service appears to be Over. Uh, I don't think so. Upon reading the article, it goes on to say: "At 3:53 a.m. GMT, Skype seemed to be operating normally, with users in Asia able to log in, view their contact lists, place calls, and send messages." OK, I gues they should have said the outage seems to be over in Asia, because it sure isn't over in the U.S.
Skype has been posting short updates on its Skype Heartbeat blog. The latest was at 11am GMT. They are really not giving a lot of information at all in their posts. They certainly are not giving any indications what the problem is, although they are quick to say what the problems aren't, as in this from the latest post: "Finally, we’d like to dispel a couple of theories that we are still hearing. Neither Wednesday’s planned maintenance of our web-based payment services nor any form of attack was related to the current sign-on issues in any way"
I'm sorry, but when you make a big deal about Skype being down for planned maintenance the night of the 15th and on the 16th everything is broke, I'd tend to look a what was done during the maintenance because as any programmer or computer person knows, if something goes wrong, you try to figure out what was changed and that is a good place to start. Skype did mention on one of its updates that there was a deficiency in an algorithm (whatever that means).
The VoIP Guides blog says "The Real issue was because of a deficiency in an algorithm within Skype networking software. This controls the interaction between the user’s own Skype client and the rest of the Skype network. We at VOIP Guide feel, the issue was related to authentication algorithm used on their P2P network which uses a very speculative "supernodes" technology. If anyone of you have read our very interesting article on "skype supernodes and vulnerability", you would probably know how insecure skype could be."
They go on to explain more about this. Unfortunately, their link to the article on skype supernodes and vulnerability does not work. I did find this article of their about the issues with supernodes.
They have a pretty decent site with a lot of information (if you can get past all the advertisements). They also mentioned Jajah software as an alternative to Skype and I have heard of Jajah as well as Gizmo Project. From the sound of it, Jajah may be easier and quicker to use, especially for a quick, short term solution.
If this keeps up (Skype stays down) then I will have to check these out and I will post my results then.
And it seems that Infoworld retracted its previous statement and has released an article saying that Skype problems may continue throughout the day.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
7:33 AM
Labels: down, gizmo, internet, outages, phone, phones, skype jajah, voip
Skype is up again! Well, it is fluctuating on and off but it appears to be getting there. Skype Heartbeat issued this statement at 2:15am GMT saying essentially that they are working on the problem and feel they are making progress (could they say any less and still issue a statement?).
I'm going to bed and hopefully it will be good to go tomorrow morning. And I do have to say that I think Skype is in general a very reliable piece of software. I can't remember it going down before. But the problem is that so many people rely so heavily on Skype now that Skype going down is like losing your entire phone service.
I got an email from someone who said that their business phones were run completely through Skype and they are having to try to contact people (and be contacted by people) completely through email until this gets resolved. But I'm betting it will be fixed when I get up (fingers crossed).
And if people doubt that Skype is a major player and extremely important to people, just because of my posts on Skype being down, My first Skype post was #27 on the Top Posts on today and my All Things Web 2.0 blog was #5 in the list of fastest growing blogs. Ah, the fame! It will be back to reality tomorrow though :) So Thank You Skype for that, anyway :)
Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
9:05 PM
Labels: down, internet, outages, phone, phones, skype, technology, voip
Well, there has been an overwhelming interest in my last post about Skype being down. So I thought I would do a little research for people into what alternatives there were. Gizmo seems to be the big competitor and is highly regarded. Here is a great article by ZDNet on Skype vs. Gizmo and the comments are equally interesting. Here is a list of some popular voip providers with a little bit about each one. And here is a much more in-depth comparison of Skype to Gizmo called Crowning the King of Free Talk-Skype vs Gizmo. And here is a list from C/Net of bunch of net phones, sorted by user rating (although it is confusing because the rating and number of users don't seem to match when you go to detail of each - maybe best to sort by editor rating?).
And of course, let's not forget the wikipedia entries for Gizmo Project and Skype and a very comprehensive entry on Comparison of Voip Software (I'd only check out the ones with links, there are a million of them on here).
That is a lot of information, but for even more, you can search on "free internet skype gizmo reviews" and get a ton of information about Skype, Gizmo Project and other VOIP software.
If you are here because Skype is down, I'd check out Gizmo Project. It sounds easy and good and of course, free. And if you are just trying to figure out what to use, these reviews and information should help. At one time I would have said Skype, hands down. I still really like Skype, but I can't say I feel it is the only game in town anymore.
Here is a link to the original post from Skype. And again, you can go here for updates from Skype on the situation. This is their latest communication:
"Hello everyone,
Apologies for the delay, but we can now update you on the Skype sign-on issue. As we continue to work hard at resolving the problem, we wanted to dispel some of the concerns that you may have. The Skype system has not crashed or been victim of a cyber attack. We love our customers too much to let that happen. This problem occurred because of a deficiency in an algorithm within Skype networking software. This controls the interaction between the user’s own Skype client and the rest of the Skype network.
Rest assured that everyone at Skype is working around the clock — from Tallinn to Luxembourg to San Jose — to resume normal service as quickly as possible.
(Updated at 10pm GMT)"
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
3:43 PM
Labels: gizmo project, internet, outages, phone, phones, skype
We had a big thunderstorm/tornado warning last night and lost power several times so I disconnected my computer. When I reconnected it this morning (and reset a couple of power strips), everything was fine except Skype would not connect. I wondered what was going on, but was just happy to be all up and running except for that so I just let it go and kept waiting for it to connect.
Then I started reading all my "My Yahoo" feeds and I have one for Skype and saw that there were big problems with Skype. Here is an Associated Press article about it from Germany.
Infoword said in its article that "The problem appears to be affecting users particularly in Europe, according to blog postings. Users in the U.S. don't seem to be having problems.". I'm afraid they are mistaken, because I can tell you this U.S. user is having a problem!
According to the Skype blog post called Problems with Skype Login, dated August 16 (today):
"UPDATED 14:02 GMT: Some of you may be having problems logging into Skype. Our engineering team has determined that it’s a software issue. We expect this to be resolved within 12 to 24 hours. Meanwhile, you can simply leave your Skype client running and as soon as the issue is resolved, you will be logged in. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Additionally, downloads of Skype have been temporarily disabled. We will make downloads available again as quickly as possible."
And if you read the Skype blog post from yesterday Aug 15, they had planned to do maintenance and some services would be unable yesterday and then they added an update: "The planned maintenance was completed at 15.08.2007 7:10 GMT and now all systems work normally again." Oops! maybe not... :)
Skype is courting businesses right at the moment and has a lot of marketing going on and this is not going to help one bit. Reliability of phone service is paramount to business and there are several other internet phone systems competing for their business.
And many, many of the individuals who use it really count on it too. It has millions of users and if you read the comments from them, this affects many of them, as of course you would expect. And it is even easier for an individual to download and use another option for now because they can't use Skype and then very possibly, stay with the new provider instead.
I know that a lot of people use and like Gizmo which is another "free phone for your computer". I had thought of looking into Gizmo but was happy with Skype. If the outage goes on with Skype, I will probably install Gizmo just to have an internet phone. And if I like it better, Skype may have lost a customer (paying customer, too). It will be interesting to see what effect this has on Skype.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
1:14 PM
Labels: outages, phone 2.0, phones, skype, technology
I haven't been posting as much because I'm trying to get my new WordPress installation configured and plug-ins added, etc. But I've been working my butt off! Since my birthday is coming up, I was trying to come up with something to do.
Then Vi told Sean about a deal that Allegiant Air is having where if you book one fly/hotel package, the 2nd person flies free. I never quite trust that sort of promotion because I have checked it before and it has come out about the same, or cheaper if I look for hotel deals myself. But this actually ended up being a good deal!
If we each got regular airfare ($158+tax pp) then the hotel ends up being like $29 a night total. I think it was approximately $450 total for the 2 of us to fly from Fort Wayne to Las Vegas and stay 3 nights at the Imperial Palace. I picked the Imperial Palace because it is cheap and very centrally located. This is where we usually stay since it's right in the middle of everything and you can't beat the price! I know there are snobs who say the Imperial Palace is tacky and old and they would never stay there, but we've stayed there many times and been very happy with it. Its cost/benefit ratio is the best, IMO.
And we were very lucky that the kennel could take our dogs since it would be so near Labor Day. The dog's room costs almost as much as ours.
And while looking for what shows we might want to go see, I found a promotion through Ticketmaster where you can get seats to the Cirque de Soleil shows for half price! They are the less desirable seats, but in the specially designed Cirque de Soleil theaters it is hard to find a really bad seat. When we went to see Mystere' we got the nosebleed seats in the middle because they are actually some of the best seats because so much happens in the air that you can see it all without having to twist your neck trying to see straight up. I found that tip on the internet before we went and it was a very good one. The seats are about $50 less than the "good" ones and they are arguably, as good or better. Again, high cost/benefit ratio.
Some people might call me obsessive about deals but since I'm obsessive about everything, it comes in handy here. I'm all about good value for your money!
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
1:54 PM
Late last week, I had found out about Odiogo which changes your blog text to speech (see my post on 8/11/2007) and had tried adding it to my blogs. At the time, I had a Google Blogger blog and a WordPress blog hosted on
It worked just fine adding it to my Google Blogger blog, but it turns out there is no way to add it to a hosted blog. This was a big black mark against blogs in my opinion.
Since then, we have set up our own domain and I created a subdomain of my own ( and set up my own WordPress blog on there and supposedly, it was possible to use Odiogo on a self-hosted WordPress blog so I created my feed and submitted my request to Odiogo and waited impatiently for my confirmation email to arrive from them.
It came this afternoon, so I then tried setting up Odiogo on my new blog. It was amazingly easy! I just downloaded the plugin from the link in the confirmation email, ftp'ed it to my wp-content/plugins subdirectory on my subdomain and set it up on my blog. Now I have an odiogo feed button on my sidebar so people can subscribe to my audio feed and each time I create a post, the odiogo 'listen now' button is automatically added to my post.
Here are the actual instructions that were very clear and easy to follow.
1. Download the plugin
2. Upload directory odiogo_listen_button to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP
3. Login to your WordPress admin account and activate the Odiogo Listen Button plugin through the Plugins menu
4. Click Menu Options > Odiogo Listen Button
5. Enter your Odiogo Feed ID and click Save
Your Odiogo Feed ID is xxxxx.
6. Click menu Presentation > Widgets (or Sidebar Widgets depending on your WP version)
7. Drag and drop Odiogo Subscribe Button from Available Widgets to Sidebar
8. Click Save Changes
Here is a link to the Odiogo FAQ page. I noticed that people have been trying to find out why their feeds were being cut off before they were done. You can find the answer on this FAQ page by looking under "How do I activate RSS full text option on..." and they have one for Typepad, WordPress and Blogger.
It is really a neat and useful tool and I'm very glad I can add it to my new blog.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
4:40 PM
Labels: blogger, blogs, blogspot, odiogo, plug-ins, text-to-speech, web 2.0, wordpress
We had decided that we wanted to go with a web hosting company so we could set up our own site. I did some research and here is what we decided.
We went with Inmotion Hosting. I did some research and they looked like they had very good uptime and support and the features we wanted, at a reasonable price. We pay $9.95 a month and got a free domain (with the 12-month package). If you get the 24 month package, it is $8.95 a month. I picked it especially because it is supposed to have very good customer service and it had a decent package (Power Business class - the middle business class plan) for a decent price.
Another company I considered was Host Gator. It was also supposed to be good. It was about the same price for similar features. And LunarPages got excellent reviews but had less plans. Actually, I might have gone with Blue Host instead, had I found it earlier. When I went to to set up WordPress on my site, they recommended it and it looks good and is cheaper. What I particularly liked about it was that they had an active developers forum where members helped each other.
CPanel is really a nice tool to manage your site and Fantastico is an easy way to install things (like WordPress). Subdomains are where you can add something to the front of your domain name, like I created for my blog and Sean is thinking about for his. You could also set up say or Ours allows 50 mySQL databases. Some have less and some have unlimited. It appears that when something is installed through fantastico, it takes a database so it is good to have plenty (or at least more than you think you need).
Also, the web hosting companies have different servers that they can put you on and if you plan to do development or leading edge stuff, be sure to ask for one with the latest versions installed (like php or mySQL) since not all of them do.
You can do a search on: web hosting reviews, to get sites with ratings, reviews and overviews of the different web hosting companies. And here is a link to a blog post on MySitesAdvisor called Review of 3 Reliable Web Hosts that looks at 3 web hosts that they like. Blue Host was also on their list. They also have a post on 5 Keys to Choosing a Better Web Host that has a lot of good information in general on what to look for in a Web Hosting service.
We are in the process of setting up our own site at We haven't done the front web page yet, but I have set up a subdomain and installed WordPress there and copied my posts over and am working on getting it set up. You can take a look if you want, but it is still a work in progress as I figure out themes and plug-ins and whatnot. I will do another post about the difference between WordPress hosted by them at and WordPress that you host on your own domain.
But this is the first step to having our own site.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
10:32 AM
Labels: web hosting, wordpress
I was looking at a Blog called Just Giblets and I noticed a widget at the top of each of their posts that said "listen now". So I clicked on it and it read the entire post by converting the text to speech! I tried other posts and it did the same for every post. And as I was going down their posts, I found one called "Do you notice anything different?" that explained more about Odiogo.
So I went to the Odiogo website and started looking at how I could add it my own posts. As it turned out, I ran into yet another limitation of Wordpress (hosted on It does not allow you to use this feature since it restricts some of the things Odiogo needs to use.
So I re-signed up with Odiogo for my Google Blogger blog instead. After I got the confirmation email (it takes about a day), I followed the instructions, which required me to do nothing more than click a couple of links and buttons and voila! Each of my blogger posts had a "listen now" button. I didn't even have to add it to each post, it is automatically added for me. On the some the earliest posts, when you click the listen now button, it says "Sorry, this article is not available yet.", but most all of them are available now. Here is how it looked when I clicked on the listen now button. It is in the process of reading the post.
As you can see, there are other formats you can also listen and download the post as. Odiogo also creates an audio feed stream that you can access from the blog using this button:
This takes you to this page where you can sign up for the audio feed of the posts using various feed readers, or can just listen to them from the page.
We are in the process of converting over to our own hosted site and I will transfer my WordPress blog there, which should allow me to add this to that blog (although not as easily as you can add it to a Blogger blog).
They also market it as a way to create podcasts easily by just writing your text and then converting it to audio. That is interesting but I'm not sure how much easier it is than just reading and recording it and that way you also have a human voice rather than a digital voice. But I didn't really look into that much from their site and I'm sure they have a lot of other good uses for it. You can go here to learn more about their mainstream media, or here to learn more about adding it to blogs.
It is free to add to your blog and for some people, may generate revenue. I'm not sure what they are referring to by "ad income", I have not really noticed any ads except for saying it is from odiogo. But in any case, it is free. This is what the site says "Not only is Odiogo free, it may be able to generate advertising revenues. Once your listenership reaches a significant level, you may qualify for a share of ad income! More technical details about the solution can be found here and in our FAQ. So what are you waiting for? Give your blog voice, and legs, now! "
I have friends and family with low vision and this seems like a wonderful addition to a blog to make it more accessible. And I believe that this is something that needs to be considered as Web 2.0 apps are being developed. Part of the concept of Web 2.0 is inclusiveness and being accessible and this shows how easily you can enhance your blogs to make them easier to access for everyone.
I hope this sparks your interest and helps people think about creating and looking for Web 2.0 applications that help make it accessible by everyone.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
11:27 AM
Labels: blogger, blogs, odiogo, text-to-speech, web 2.0, wordpress
Posted by
Susan Casserley
2:22 PM
Labels: harry potter, humor, youtube
Check out these Library Genius 2.0 T-shirts for the Allen County Public Library Learning 2.0 program, found on this post from the ACPL's Innovation Through Technology Blog. Kay Gregg designed these shirts and all the icons associated with each Learning 2.0 course completed! They will be used to kick-off the ACPL Digital Collaborative's Learning 2.0 presentation. Here is Kay modeling one of the new t-shirts:
Look at this post from ACPL's IT blog on Library 2.0 Bling for a closeup of each icon. and here is a picture of the Learning Video 2.0 button.
For more information on the ACPL's Learning 2.0, check out these posts from the ACPL Innovation Through Technology blog. And for what ACPL's Digital Collaborative is creating for Learning 2.0, check out the ACPL DC Wiki's "21 Things". Click on the links to see what each person has created. This wiki is a working wiki for the Digital Collaborative and is constantly being updated.
I want to be a Library Genius 2.0!
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
8:27 PM
Labels: acpl, allen county public library, learning 2.0, libraries, library 2.0
I was looking for episodes on the internet of some TV shows for my sister and was having a hard time finding "So You Think You Can Dance" (which apparently Fox does not put on their website). But I looked for anything on YouTube and found Snape teaches Slytherins to dance. It is excellent and was created using the game Sims 2.
And fourth-rose has also written a story that goes with the video, in which Professor Snape, in order to make sure Slytherin doesn't make fools of themselves at the upcoming Yule Ball, teaches them to dance. It is absolutely hilarious and well worth the read.
Looking around, I found that people were writing additional Harry Potter stories using Sims to illustrate them. Here is a page of Sims outtakes from a chapter of one of those stories by CloudlessNights. You can find her work by checking out her tags and links, like Harry Potter starring The Sims: Book 1 - The Philosophers Stone and Book 2 - Chamber of Secrets.
She also has a great series called the Timeturner Incident written by the Sims. As she says in episode 1: "Please bear in mind that visiting sims can't be controlled, so whatever they did, they did it all on their own accord. I was only watching in shock, awe and amusement, and taking a lot of pictures ;-)"
And check out the Harry Potter Sim Videos on YouTube. The assortment of creative ideas is outstanding. And there is an outstanding series of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with voice actors and everything. Here is chapter 1 (he has disabled embedding the video). These were created starting in October of 2005. It is interesting to compare to the movie.
And of course, if you just search on Sims, you end up with a ton of fun videos. Who would have thought people could be so creative with this new medium?
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
9:44 AM
Thank you to Anonymous for writing me about this very interesting post: Dimensions of a Potentially Postponed GOP CNN/YouTube Debate .
This post was written by Alex Hammer so I looked up Alex Hammer's bio and found: "Alex Hammer was a 2006 Independent candidate for Governor of Maine. He is the owner of Media 2.0, including Politics 2.0 ( Politics 2.0 focuses on "What's now and what's next" in Presidential politics and politics generally. Alex is a columnist for The Magic City Morning Star ( and a regular guest columnist for The Moderate Voice ( Previously, for a decade, Alex was owner of HSC Media, a five-division NYC area based online media company."
His blog on Politics 2.0 has the most amazing blogroll list of politician's online sites like their myspace, twitter, facebook, etc. You might want to go check out who all is doing what Web 2.0 applications.
Here is just a sampling of links from his list:
Joe Biden Blog~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
1:45 PM
Labels: politics, politics 2.0, web 2.0
The CNN/YouTube Democratic Presidential Debates took place on Monday, July 23, 2007. It was a first for that type of debate format and was quite popular, especially among the younger viewers who are perhaps more drawn to this more unconventional approach. CNN says it got a boost in the 18-34 demographic - the most ever for a cable news debate. And those are real-time numbers, not including younger viewers (or any viewers) who may have watched a stream or a Tivo'ed show or even the post-event sound-biteable nuggets on YouTube itself.
Here is a great recap of the debates provided by YouTube. I love the format, it briefly states the question they were asked and then shows their response. You can also watch the videos of each question. There are also the questions that were submitted but not used and video responses to the debates.It is really 'by the people', people like you and me and it is real questions from real people. There were difficult questions asked and real feedback given. You can also view the questions that were submitted but not used.
I watched several of the unused questions (there were almost 3000 entries) and was impressed at the thoughtfulness and interest expressed by so many people. Sure, there were some that were just people goofing around, but that doesn't negate the large amount of people who had real concerns and real questions and who clearly are interested in trying to make the correct decision with their vote.
Mitt Romney (Republican candidate who has refused to participate in the CNN/YouTube debate format) said "[The debates] ought to be held at a higher level than having to answer questions from a snowman.” (referring to a question about global warming that was presented on the video as a snowman sock puppet). Well all I can say is lighten up! What, your dignity and stature doesn't allow you to interact with people who don't care about all that? It reminds me of people who read a very thought provoking post and all they can do is nitpick about the spelling or grammar. I guess that is safer (and easier) than actually stating an opinion. And it makes a point that you feel you are better in some way than they are (without actually having to do anything that might disprove it).
I think that the Republicans (I'm sure there are exceptions, but I don't know who they are) are a bunch of control-freaks that can't handle anything that they have not orchestrated to the nth degree. I think they feel they know better than we do and that we are all a bunch of ignoramuses (ignorami) that need their fatherly protection so we don't run with a stick and poke someone's eye out. Shame on the Republican candidates for thinking they are too good to have a voter ask a question directly. Format be dammed, a voter’s question is a voter’s question and deserves an answer.
And there are plenty of Republican party youtube videos put out by the candidates or their people. But of course this is the format they like best, they talk about what they want to say and you listen. No input allowed.
I also think they don't want anyone telling them what to do and will go out of their way to not do something just to prove it. And they feel no need to explain why they do what they do. At the NAACP GOP Presidential Candidate forum on July 12, one lone republican candidate showed up, Tan Tancredo. The NAACP invited all the Republican candidates to the forum, put out 9 podiums, but only one Republican showed up. All the Democratic Presidential hopefuls showed up for their forum. The excuses given by the Republican campaigns mostly had to do with scheduling conflicts--just too busy to make it.
Here is a telling photograph of the nine podiums and the one candidate. And here is the post that led me to this picture and from which I found out about the NAACP debacle.
There are a group of republicans who are asking their candidates to debate in this format and their website is called Save the Debate. I applaud their progressive attitude and their acumen in recognizing that they stand to lose a lot more by not attending than by having to answer a tough question or two. You can also sign a petition on that website, requesting that the candidates attend. Personally, I doubt that their opinions and requests matter that much to the republican candidates. But if enough people stand behind it, maybe they will get the clue.
~Susan Mellott
Posted by
Susan Casserley
9:24 AM
Labels: debates, politics, politics 2.0, presidential election, republicans, youtube