Coverpop - Mashups you won't believe!
I ran across these and they blew my mind! It is called coverpop and it is a website created by Jim Bumgardner, of, to house his experimental coverpop project. Per his FAQ page: "
A coverpop can be a unique work of art, a software toy, or a fun way to shop for stuff.
Each coverpop is an interactive mosaic, made of tiny images, such as magazine covers. These are called "micro thumbnails". As you drag the mouse over each micro thumbnail, it pops up to a full-sized thumbnail image, and provides some information about the item. For some coverpops, you can click again to produce either a full-sized image, or to go to another website to learn more information about the item.
Some coverpops arrange the images by time, by price, or color. Other coverpops arrange the images into a photomosaic."
If you go to main coverpop site , you will see a random choice of oneof his coverpop mosaics. You can choose from the list on the right side to see specific ones. He creates mashups using flickr, youtube, amazon and other web 2.0 apps to create really amazing mosaics that you can spend endless time browsing and playing with.
He has a set of youtube video mosaics too. And just plain mosaics that are really interesting. Here is a description of how it works and here is a brief description from that page:
"Data for each coverpop is prepared using Perl and the ImageMagick library. Space-filling is implemented (with visual feedback) using Processing (p5). The interface itself is presented in Flash/Actionscript within a PHP webpage.
I download information about all the covers using various means. I use Amazon Web Services for the Amazon-powered coverpops, and I screen-scrape websites, such as the Visco archive for the Science Fiction coverpop. This is done using a Perl program. Then I download all the thumbnails (again with Perl), and analyse them for color, using ImageMagick to reduce each image to 1x1 and recording the color of the remaining pixel."
You can also generate banners to put on your website with various mosaics like Harry Potter on Amazon or Time's Top 100 Novels. These are linked to amazon and you receive credit when someone buys through your site except he receives the credit every 6 times or so. I created one just to try it out (you can generate the code from his site) and put it on the bottom of my Goggle Blogger blog Along the Path to 2.0. It is at the botton of the blog. Unfortunately I can't put it on my Wordpress blog yet since it is hosted by I hope to correct that soon!
To learn about new coverpop or just to find out more, you can go to his blog. He has a lot more interesting things on there.
He has also co-authored a book called Flickr Hacks - Tips and Tools for Sharing Photos Online that talks about the flickr .APIs and how to do some of these things and sounds VERY interesting.
Check it out! But don't do it until you have some time to spend because you definitely will.
~Susan Mellott
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